How to Kick Start Your Career in IT and Become Successful.
Are you ready to transform your IT aspirations into reality?
Join us for our in-person session, specially designed for those looking to change careers or re-enter the workforce with opportunities in I.T.
Navigating the Australian I.T Job Market – Gain a competitive edge with insider tips for landing your dream role. Understand the current landscape, what roles are in high demand, and the skills employers are seeking.
Building Your Expertise- Discover the most effective ways to learn and grow within the IT field. We’ll guide you on what to study and how to study to maximize your knowledge and skill acquisition.
Embracing the Future of Tech– Learn how Mr. & Mrs. Cloud are revolutionising the industry and how you can be a part of it.
Can’t attend the face to face session? Why not register for our online webinar instead?
Additional Details
For more information please contact - academy@mrandmrscloud.com and +61 469393220
Additional event information - Online meeting link: https://meet.google.com/dts-akpd-fwa